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Midyear Goal Check-In

We’ve reached the halfway point for the year, and it’s the perfect time for a goals check-in!

First, a quick reminder on why it’s especially important to set goals this year.

During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us put our goals on hold so we could focus on basic needs. It’s time to start easing back into life, and establishing goals we can aspire to is an integral first step.

So, let’s take a look back at the goals you set for yourself in January. Have you made progress on or achieved any of these goals? If not, this is the time to reflect and reimagine. What steps do you need to take over the next six months to find success? Or, how can you reshape these goals so they align with your current circumstances?

Here are some tips for goal setting in the second half of the year:

  • Break it down – Six-month and year-long goals can be intimidating. Try breaking your goals and steps to achieve them into weekly or monthly segments.

  • Write it down – Remember that day when the light bulb went off in your head and you came up with the best goal ever? You probably don’t if you didn’t write that goal down! Putting your goals in writing not only helps you recall your vision; it creates accountability.

  • Do the research – Explore where you need to invest or who you need to call or hire to make your goal happen.

  • Compare pricing – If achieving your goal involves spending money, make sure you request prices from at least three different vendors. It could save you cash in the long run.

  • Start moving – Don’t suffer from analysis paralysis! Overthinking your goal can cause you to become stagnant. As Andy Dufresne says in The Shawshank Redemption, “Get busy living or get busy dying.”

For more tips on goal setting and ways to be BOLD, FEARLESS, and COURAGEOUS in 2021, be sure to visit our Simply Kashonna Facebook page and Instagram account.

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