Free time is rare and precious these days. And even though we live in an age where numerous social media platforms can help us keep in touch with others, it feels like we are becoming more and more isolated.
When was the last time you connected, really connected, with a friend?
We recently asked our followers on social media, "How often do you spend time with your core friendships?" More than half (55 percent) said weekly or monthly, while the other 45 percent said one to three times a year.
Meaningful friendships are one of the greatest blessings we can have in life. Studies even show they can help us live longer.
This month, in honor of Thanksgiving, let’s find time to appreciate and foster our friendships. Here are three easy, affordable ways to connect and show your friends you care.
Converse over coffee – Start your day 30 minutes earlier than usual by meeting a friend at a local coffee shop. Or, if distance makes this difficult, meet on a Zoom call or FaceTime while you both sip your cups of joe. Mornings too hectic? Try closing out your day by meeting after dinner for tea. You’ll be amazed how refreshing it is to have this uninterrupted time with your friend.
Send a card or flowers – When you can’t be together in person, a simple card can mean the world to a friend. It shows you are thinking of them and are committed to maintaining the friendship. If you have a little extra in your budget this month, send flowers. They always brighten the day!
Go for a walk – Walking and talking outside does wonders for your emotional and physical health. Catch up while walking on a local path or around a nearby park. It’s free, and the miles go much faster when you’re engaged in conversation!
We want to hear from you. How do you find time for friends? What are some of the challenges you face when trying to connect? Share your ideas in the comments below.